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New decals are designed and created each year in preparation for the manatee Voluntary Contribution Campaign. As these decals help to raise money for manatee recovery around the State of Florida, your contribution to this cause is appreciated.

The official manatee Voluntary Contribution Campaign began during the June boat registration period in fiscal year 1992-93. To provide direction, a Florida Statute was created to define the decal process. It states that a registrant who provides a voluntary contribution of $5.00 or more shall be given a sticker or emblem by the tax collector to display, which signifies support for the Save the Manatee Trust Fund. Prior to this time, donations were received under the Manatee Donation Campaign and no decals were issued to show the donor's support. This decal process is still in effect today.

Current year manatee decals are available at Florida County Tax Offices. These decals are given to individuals who donate $5.00 or more at the time of vessel or vehicle registration.  The donations from the manatee decals support manatee research, rehabilitation and educational programs.

FWC has a limited supply of some of the earlier decals. We would like to offer them to individuals who are interested in collecting them. Please indicate the decals you would like to obtain by checking the appropriate area on the order form and sending a check for the number of decals selected.  The decals will be sent to you within 4-6 weeks.

2021-2022 Decal: "Go Slow - Look Out Below!"


This year’s decal is an awareness reminder that manatees live in Florida’s waterways year-round. Manatees rest, mate, nurse their young, or forage in shallow slow-moving rivers, estuaries, bays, canals, and coastal areas.

In Florida, manatees and boats are often found in the same environments. It is often hard to see manatees while boating, which is why areas where manatees frequent are marked with protection zone signs including speed and access restrictions. Boaters, including personal watercraft operators, can do their part to protect manatees:

Go Slow near shallow areas, seagrass beds, and sanctuaries.

Look out below - Wear polarized sunglasses to improve visibility through the water’s surface, which makes it easier to see manatees.

Your support benefits Florida’s manatee conservation efforts. Thank you.

Decal artist: Mike Hunter, FWC.








