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Marine Fisheries Research

Studying Florida’s saltwater fish and invertebrates, gathering data important for their management.

To assess and predict marine fishery population trends, the Marine Fisheries Research section collects and integrates biological and harvest information from commercial and recreational marine fisheries and invertebrate species. This section also provides nearly all biological information, expert assessments and analyses used by the FWC, interstate commissions and federal councils charged with managing Florida's marine fisheries resources.

Marine Fisheries Biology
Researchers collect and provide data concerning the life history, biology, age structure, stock abundance, and fishery characteristics of important commercial and recreational fishes in Florida.

Marine Fisheries-Dependent Monitoring
Researchers collect and analyze catch-and-effort data used to monitor trends in commercial and recreational fisheries throughout Florida. These data provide assessments of how management regulations affect harvest and fishers.

Marine Fisheries-Independent Monitoring
Researchers monitor the status and relative abundance of recreational and commercial fishes from six estuaries around the state.

Marine Fisheries Stock Assessment
Researchers integrate the physical, biological, and fisheries data gathered in the Marine Fisheries-Independent Monitoring program, the Marine Fisheries-Dependent Monitoring program, and the Marine Fisheries Biology program above and use these data to analyze Florida's inshore and nearshore fisheries stocks. This information is provided to marine fisheries managers.

Marine Fisheries Stock Enhancement
This program is focused on breeding and rearing marine game fish and molluscs for release as well as evaluating the use of hatchery-reared animals as a management tool to enhance or rebuild coastal fisheries.

Keys Fisheries Research
Keys Fisheries Research encompasses a variety of research and monitoring programs focused on the recreationally and commercially important fish and invertebrate species inhabiting the Florida Keys' ecosystems.

Additional Information
Saltwater Research