Saltwater Outreach and Education Programs
Catch a Florida Memory
Earn prizes while supporting marine fisheries conservation!
Youth Saltwater Fish Camps
Local organizations can partner with FWC to provide youth saltwater fish camps. The program uses a 40-hour curriculum designed to create responsible marine resource stewards by teaching children the vulnerability of Florida’s marine ecosystems; teaching fundamental saltwater fishing skills while emphasizing ethical angling techniques for resource conservation; and providing children with a positive fishing experience.
Aquaculture in the Classroom
Florida schools have the opportunity to receive hatchery reared red drum for Marine Science and Aquaculture programs in the classroom. This gives students a hands-on opportunity to learn about marine aquaculture and marine research while teaching them to become stewards of our natural resources.
Aquatic Species Collecting Certificates
This partnership between the Florida Marine Science Educators Association (FMSEA) and the FWC provides educators with a special activity license that allows them to conduct educational field exercises and collect aquatic organisms for educational purposes. To receive the certificate, the educator must complete a two- to three-hour workshop highlighting both benefits and alternatives to the collection of aquatic species for use in the classroom. Workshops held throughout Florida. Collection methods, best management practices, and associated conditions and restrictions are discussed. Workshop is available to certified Florida teachers and/or employees of educational centers.
Public Events
Booths are provided at various fishing expos, boat shows, and other fishing-related public events to disseminate information on angling and boating in Florida. Visit FWC staff at these events to ask questions, learn about saltwater fishing programs, receive fishing publications and provide feedback on marine fisheries management items.
Presentations are given to a variety of fishing clubs and organizations on topics such as fish handling and gear, fishing programs, saltwater fish species, marine fisheries management and more.
For more information on Saltwater Outreach and Education Programs, contact [email protected].
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