Captive Wildlife Rules and Regulations
Captive Wildlife Office
Florida requires permits for wildlife possession, exhibition and sale.
Commercial and private facilities must have permits for many types of native and nonnative animals - including potentially dangerous animals, such as Florida black bears and Florida panthers. These facilities include zoos, circuses, alligator farms, pet shops, tropical fish farms and individuals who own a class I, II or III animal (see wildlife categories).
How to Apply for or Renew Your Permit
Captive Wildlife Rules and Regulations
- Chapter 68A-6 - Captive Wildlife Rules
- Wildlife not requiring a permit
- Wildlife requiring a permit
- Wildlife Categories (Class I, II, III, etc.)
Florida has nearly 1,300 native species of fish and wildlife. It also has become home to nearly 300 species of nonnative fish and wildlife. Florida's subtropical climate is ideal for many foreign species to survive. If these species escape or are released, they can easily become established here.
The FWC enforces the statutes and regulations governing Florida's wildlife industry.
FWC officers routinely conduct inspections to ensure humane treatment and sanitary conditions are in place for the animals, and cage and security requirements are adhered to for public safety. The FWC's regulations, relative to cage sizes, safety and humane treatment, are among the most stringent in the nation.
For more information please contact:
Division of Law Enforcement, Investigations Section
620 S. Meridian Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600
We are beginning to send out requests for additional information and other correspondence via email. Please add [email protected] to your contacts.